
I didn't set any New Year's resolutions this year.  Instead, I have a word that captures my overarching goal for many aspects of my life this year: intentional.  I want to remove the physical and mental clutter from my life to enable me to focus on what brings me joy and satisfaction.  I also wanted to better align my way of living with my values.  

The first half of the year, I went through the Konmari method.  Marie Kondo is the author of a book called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  It's a little book and a quick read but the impact is powerful.  She coined the term Konmari after her name and it is a process of going through each and every item you own and deciding on whether you keep it or not based on whether it brings you joy (or not).  

In the second half of the year, I want to implement my values in a more thoughtful and intentional way.  More on this later...

Below is a vision board I made during a self-care activity at work at the beginning of the year.

Intentional Vision Board.jpg